The secret to doing anything is believing that you can do it. Anything that you believe you can do strong enough, you can do. Anything as long as you believe.

The Evolution of Instagram:

Instagram (commonly abbreviated to IG or Insta)[10] is an American photo and video sharing social networking service owned by Facebook, created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger and originally launched on iOS in October 2010. You can find more details here.

Do you know Instagram Was First Called ‘Burbn

Though Burbn was not, successful. The app was too complicated, Sawyer points out, and had “a jumble of features that made it confusing.” Systrom, however, kept tweaking the app. He paid attention to how people were using it. He brought on another programmer, Mike Krieger; the pair used analytics to determine how, exactly, their customers were using Burbn. Their finding? People weren’t using Burbn’s check-in features at all. What they were using, though, were the app’s photo-sharing features. “They were posting and sharing photos like crazy,” Sawyer notes.

At that point, Systrom and Krieger decided to double down on their data: They focused on their photo-sharing infrastructure and scrapped almost everything else. Burbn would become a simple-photo-sharing app.

Later they chopped everything out of burbn except the photo, comment, and like features. They also added filters. But simplicity remained their focus. In their final version, you could post a photo in three clicks.

After months of experimentation and prototyping—on October 12, 2010—Systrom and Krieger released a simple photo-sharing app. It was named not Burbn, but Instagram. 

Before we get into detailed description -Let’s understand the benefits of Instagram.

Benefits of Instagram for Bloggers

There are a lot of benefits to promoting a blog on Instagram. If used the right way, Instagram can be the best place to grow your followers and readers all in one place.

It has over 1 billion daily active users, which means that you have a lot of opportunities to get your brand out there.

Instagram is a platform where people crave engaging visual content. And sharing engaging content on Instagram can do wonders for your brand.

It can help you:

  • Grow a community around your blog
  • Boost your blog’s engagement
  • Promote your latest blog posts
  • Drive more traffic to your blog
  • And more

Now that you know the benefits of using Instagram, let’s take a look at some tips to help you find success on the platform.

How to Start a BLOG on INSTAGRAM

If you’re wondering how to start an Instagram blog with no experience, you’ll be happy to know it’s easy to start.

Keep reading to learn the exact steps to starting your own Instagram blog.

Blogging has evolved over the years and the platforms which people turn to, to receive information, has changed as well. One major change is the shift from actual blogs hosted on websites to people microblogging.

A microblog is a way to share information through short, small posts — think Instagram or Twitter! Instagram blogging is microblogging because of the 2,200 character limit for captions vs no limit on traditional blogging platforms.

Starting a blog on Instagram would fall under the microblogging-sphere and the good news? You don’t need to deal with web hosting, web design or writing lengthy content in order to begin blogging on Instagram!

But what exactly is a microblog?

A microblog is sharing your thoughts through any social media platform. It’s pretty straightforward.

The true value of micro blogging isn’t necessarily in the individual posts, it is in the collective aggregation of those mini-posts into more than the sum of their parts. When you receive frequent, short updates from the people you’re connected to you begin to get a feel for them, to develop a better understanding of what they are all about, and to feel a stronger connection with them.

Here are the eight steps on how to start an Instagram blog:

  • Create an Instagram Account: Creating an Instagram account is free and takes just a few minutes to do. The step that takes the longest is figuring out what you want your username to be. Keep in mind that unlike other social media platforms, you can change your username later on. However, many prefer to use their full name as a username so they build a personal brand.
  • Choose a Niche for Your Instagram Blog: When learning how to start an Instagram blog, the key to gaining consistent growth is to give your audience what they’ve come to expect. If you are a travel Instagram blogger and then post a sponsored ad for a recliner, you’re not only going to confuse followers but you might cause them to unsubscribe. By choosing a niche for your Instagram blog, you’re telling people who come to your blog exactly what kind of content they’ll get going forward if they follow you.

Niches can be narrow (and very specific) or they can be broad.

If you are stuck trying to come up with a niche for your Instagram blog, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What does my audience want to see from me?
  2. What can I help my audience with?
  3. What types of companies do I want to partner with?
  4. What will I be able to post consistently about?
  • Create a Captivating Bio: An Instagram bio is a little snippet of text below your picture within your Instagram profile. An Instagram profile is where users view your profile, photo, and all of the posts you’ve created. It’s also where users go to follow you. This bio area is an opportunity to show everyone who you are, what you stand for, and who you serve within 150 characters. It’s a chance for you to make a good first impression, so you’ll want to spend some time crafting a captivating bio. Remember to tailor it to your niche and your desired audience. When you are very specific about who you are, you are more likely to attract people who are just like you and want to engage with your content.


  • Take or Source Attractive Images: Instagram is a visual platform where the photos you showcase matter more than the captions. Photos you share need to follow your brand identity design so that the style of your image is recognized as yours before a user checks to be sure it is.
  • Write Your Instagram Blog Posts: The first line you write should grab a reader’s attention. Think of it as a one-liner — what’s going to stop someone from scrolling by your post in their news feed? This should be a relatively short line so they can read it without having to click “more” to view the rest of your caption. Give an intriguing statement, prompt an emotional response, or share an offer. Your last line should give a call to action (CTA). The CTA can be as simple as asking your followers to engage with you in the comment section. Or, your CTA might ask to tag a friend, check out the link in your bio for more information, or hit the follow button. A popular CTA is “double tap if you agree,” referencing the act one performs to “like” your Instagram image. Another important element when creating your Instagram blog posts is to make sure you’re breaking up the text if you’re writing a lot. It is difficult to read a huge wall of text without natural line breaks. You want your content to be easy-to-digest.
  • Use Relevant Hashtags to Boost Discoverability: A hashtag is a word or phrase, preceded by a hash sign (#). These hashtags allow users to find messages about a given topic. For example, when entering the hashtag #travelinspo in the search field on Instagram, it shows travel photos. You can use hashtags on both static Instagram posts and Instagram stories. With static posts, you can use up to 30 hashtags. You may add up to 10 hashtags in a story. When using hashtags, even non-followers can find your content if they’re searching for that particular hashtag. This allows Instagram bloggers to reach new audiences and grow their following.
  • Geotag Your Posts: To geotag a post, you’re simply adding a geographical location to tell others where a photo is taken. It let’s others see where you’re at. It also helps others find images from a particular location. A user can search Instagram by location to find others who’ve been to a spot they’re researching. Including your location allows bloggers to grow their audience because Instagram users can search for location-based posts and stumble upon any post that has a geotag. If a user likes what you’ve posted, you might gain a new follower — all because you’ve tagged your location.


  • Interact With Other Instagram Users: The entire point of using social media is to be social — this involves interacting with other users on Instagram. You can like and comment on other users’ posts, and you can follow them. When you interact with other users, they’re more likely to check out your profile and microblog. If they like what they see, there’s a chance they’ll follow you back or at least leave a like or comment to return the favor.

Is your Instagram Engagement Dropping ???

Let me point out your 3 BIG MISTAKES that is causing your Instagram Engagement to SUFFER


Mistake number 1: You post when your audience is inactive.

  • Posting when your audience is inactive (sleeping, working, etc) will cause your engagement to tank. e.g. posting when you audience is likely sleeping, between 11 pm — 6 am will result in your post getting missed by your followers.
  • Consider time spots when your audience would be active on their phone — during commute, lunch hour, after dinner, etc. Posting during off-work hours are better for higher engagement than during work hours.
  • A good exercise would be to find out who your target audience is and what are the 2 time slots they are most active during. Use that as a benchmark to schedule your posts.
  • When it comes to the best time to post, it’s also essential to think about the time zones of your Instagram followers. If you have users across time zones, try and find a time that may work for at least 70% of your audience globally.

Important Notes:

  Posting on Friday evenings and Monday mornings show the least engagement on posts.


  Sunday afternoons have the best engagement for video posts.


  Weekday mornings(8 am — 10 am) and weekday evening (5 pm — 6 pm) are ideal times to post.


  Assess your analytics on a monthly basis to see when your users are most active. Timings may change as per holidays or trends.


Mistake number 2: You don’t reply to comments.

  • Replying to comments help you increase your engagement stats and boosts your posts.
  • Replying to your comments within 48 hours helps with the algorithm and ranking,
  • Leaving meaningful replies or comments that prompt a conversation helps with better engagement.
  • Avoid replying with just emojis as that could be considered spam-my. You want your audience and algorithm to think you are an engaging user and not a bot.

Mistake number 3: You have too many inactive accounts following you.

  • The way Instagram’s algorithm works is that, whenever you post, it shows your post to 10% of
    your audience. Depending on how that 10% interacts with your post, Instagram will show it to more or less people.
  • So if you have a lot of bots or inactive accounts following you, the first 10% of your audience will
    barely interact with your post, causing your overall engagement to tank.
  • Make sure you do not engage with any third party apps to increase your following as that could lead
    to surge of ghost followers, bots or spam-my accounts following you.
  • Focus on the quality of followers rather than the quantity.

How To Identify a SPAM or BOT account:

Open you Instagram account and browse through your followers. If you see accounts with either or more of
the following, they are likely bot or spam accounts.

Spam/Bot accounts usually have:

  • Zero to ten followers but over thousands of following
  • No profile picture
  • Zero followers and zero following.
  • 3–4 pictures posted on their accounts only

If you see too many of these, start periodically removing them by either blocking or blocking/unblocking them. However, make sure you do this slowly so that Instagram doesn’t ban your account for excessive activity — an indication that your account may be a spam account.

Bonus tips to help you increase engagement!


  • BIO — Make sure you have optimized your bio to make your audience understand clearly what you offer through your account. Optimized bio means that your bio contains who you are, what you do and what you offer very clearly.

Take advantage of your bio: A good Instagram bio should be able to accomplish several goals at the same time, like:

When an Instagram user clicks on your profile they should get attracted They see your profile picture, biography, and your most recent posts.

BIO, Highlights, Links, Details, Profile Picture should be good 

  1. Convey what your business does,
  2. Indicate how a customer can find you.

A great Instagram profile will do the following: 

  1. Showcase the company’s personality,
  2. Prompt the customer to take an action
  • HASHTAGS — Ensure you are updating your hashtags with every post. If you are using hashtags not relevant to the picture you are posting, your Instagram ranking will drop.

Find hashtags that fit your industry and target market. Though there’s no direct indicator of the demographic of users using the hashtags, you can try some free online tools such as

  • ENGAGEMENT — Ensure you are engaging with other accounts in your niche. Instagram’s algorithm is based on relationships and behavior. So to ensure you are discovered better in your niche, engage with similar accounts and build that relationship.
  • POST your content at the RIGHT TIME — As stated above, although 2–3 PM is considered the best time of day to post on Instagram, the day of the week on which you post can change how much engagement you actually get at 2–3 PM. Posting at 5:00 AM Malaysian Time from Tuesday to Friday generates some of the highest engagement — people usually check their phones right when they wake up. Posting from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM Malaysian Time during the weekdays also generates a lot of engagement — people usually check their phones during lunch or when they start to run out of mental energy toward the end of the work day. If you want to post on the weekends, post on Saturday around 11:00 AM Malaysian Time when people eat brunch or hang out with their friends.

Sunday: 10 AM — 2 PM

Monday: 9 AM — 5 PM (Engagement peaks at 11 AM and 2 PM)

Tuesday: 8 AM — 6 PM, *7 PM

Wednesday: 5 AM, *11 AM — 3 PM

Thursday: 5 AM, *11–4 PM

Friday: *5 AM, 9 AM — 10 AM, *11 AM — 1 PM, 2–4 PM

Saturday: 9–11 AM

  • STEAL your competitor’s FOLLOWER’S on Instagram :Check your closest competitors’ Instagram accounts and engaging with their audience. can steal your closest competitors’ followers by engaging with them. There are several ways to engage with Instagram users, and the more work you put in, the more followers and repeat engagement you’ll get out of it. The three types of engagement with competitor’s on Instagram are:
  1. Follow a user
  2. Like a photo
  3. Comment on a photo
  • PAY for sponsored posts and product reviews ( Boosting Post ) Sometimes boosting some of the post can easily bring new audience which were not aware of your brand but have similar interests that belongs to your business/ industry. We can promote 4–5 Post in a week with a Budget of 20–25 RM Per Post.
  • USE Instagram stories to attract followers and grow your userbase. You can use following Instagram tools in stories for more better reach.
  1. Location. Location. Location. ( Use Location in stories )
  2.  Ask a Question using Poll Tool.
  3. Encourage People to Message You ( Using Message Me Tool )
  4. Encourage People to Turn on Post Notifications
  5. Use Teasers( Doing teasers for your upcoming launch is a great way to warm up your audience. Using #NewProduct Hashtag )
  6. Use Shout outs for your customers of Influencers
  7. Swipe Up to Read Posts
  8. Promote Your Latest Post using Screenshot of new post.
  9. Edit Epic Short Videos (To get people excited about your stories, you need to post exciting stories.)
  10. Edit Less Epic Videos (Simply Add Music)
  11. there are a lot of different free apps you can use for simple video editing on your phone. • • YouTube Creator Studio • Free Music Archive
  12. Post Quotes ( Motivational Quotes, Quality Quotes, Beauty Quotes)
  13. Successful Delivery Stories
  14. Testimony Stories of Happy Customers
  15. Show Off Your Success ( Instagram is a lot about promoting lifestyle. If you’re doing well with your career, life, love etc — share it. Inspire people and let them know what you have achieved.)
  16. Product Reviews
  17. Show Your Workspace or Shop or Warehouse ( Your followers definitely would like to know if your desk is messy and sloppy or rather on the clean side.)
  18. Promote Giveaways
  19. Product Unboxing Story
  20. Guides & Tutorials ( teach how to wear or Use Product )
  21. Tips & Tricks: This is quite similar to the previous point. The main difference here is that tips and tricks are presented in super short format.
  22. Go Live : If you want to gain a massive following on Instagram, you need to be hosting live sessions. And Post a story about your recent live sessions. Live streaming is underrated on Instagram. I’ve never played around with much before until now. It’s a completely different way to interact with your followers. Also posting just before you go live is a great way to get more organic engagement to that post. If someone watches your live stream, IG’s algorithm is then a lot more likely to recommend your post within that follower’s feed.
  • RUN contests and giveaways: Figure out what kind of contest you want to run Not all promotional contests are the same. There are three main types of promotions you can do: 1. Contest 2. Sweepstakes

If you’re running a contest, it means the participants are doing something requiring some sort of skill and effort to win a prize. Some popular contests may include a photo, video, essay, or caption. The winners are selected by some sort of vote or judgment.

A sweepstakes, on the other hand, requires no skill and is based completely on chance. Winners get determined randomly. Purchases, payments, and other considerations cannot determine the winner of a sweepstakes.

Set a deadline Your deadline needs to be clear, because when a customer or prospective contestant wants to enter your giveaway. If they don’t see a posted deadline, it could turn them away.

  • POST on Your Stories At Least 6 Times A Day Now, this is easy for content creators and curators. Again space them out throughout the day and use hashtags related to the content and also use the location tags. Stories are a great way to show that you’re an active page to the new profile visitors.
  • REPLY To All your Comments Check your comments every day. Reply to every single one. If you get too many, at least try and like the comments. Replying to comments gives you a great amount of engagement, especially when starting a conversation and answering your followers’ questions.
  • REPLY TO All your DMs This is the same for comments except even more powerful. People really appreciate the one on one communication and are a lot more likely to remember your page if you do so. If you’re still in the early stages and don’t get many direct messages then you can reach out to some of your followers and start a conversation. Also maybe ask them what you could do to improve your page.
  • COMMENT On Other post in your niche/Industry (Engage with Potential Customers) The users following you are potential customers you can reach out to for a cold sale. Continue to comment and like their photos to first build a relationship. This is a great way to start out on Instagram. Engaging with people that are interested in the same topic as you is a great way to start building a community around your page.

Explore hashtags that you use on your posts and comment on posts with barely any likes and comment on posts with 1000s of likes. If you already have a large following, Instagram will often value your comment more a push it more towards the top.

To avoid being action blocked, try and stay at around 10 to 15 comments per hour.

  • POST ON IGTV Again IGTV is something that I feel is underrated. I’ve also been testing it a lot recently and some people have been getting decent results with Long Term Content.
  • CREATING a Great Call-to-Action Marketers have long understood that a powerful call-to-action (CTA) is one of the most important elements of a successful campaign.
  • POST High-Quality Photos of your Product The idea here is to showcase your product in a real-life setting. Choose the right models to showcase your products, and in the right environment where your clothes should be worn.
  • WRITE a Compelling and Attractive humor filled Caption An image isn’t effective without words to reinforce action.

As for how to write captivating captions, here are some things to keep in mind:

  1. Start with a hook by telling a funny story, or asking a question.
  2. Share relatable thoughts or experiences. The more your audience can relate to you, the better.
  3. End on a positive note, like sharing a solution to their problem.
  4. Tell them where to go next by using an enticing call-to-action (more on that later).
  • REACH Out to Influencers Build a strategy to work with influencers to help promote your product. Before randomly sending samples or products to the person, reach out to them and build a connection. See if its a mutual fit between the influencer and yourself and work out a compensation agreement.
  • TAP into the Power of User-Generated Content Every body Knows that we are now well-and-truly in the Age of the Selfie, with more than 69% of adults claiming to upload selfies to social media (that number increases to 87% if we solely look at millennials).
  • Make Use of Instagram’s Features Like swipe up Instagram has released a flurry of new features over the past couple of years, including the hugely-popular Stories element that lets users share in-the-moment snapshots of their lives that disappear after 24 hours. But for clothing brands, the fun doesn’t stop there. Brands with over 10,000 followers can unlock the “Swipe Up” feature, which means users who are watching a Story can simply swipe the screen and be directed straight to a relevant sales page

How To Grow Your Instagram

Growing an Instagram isn’t about how “cool” or “social” you are, it’s about recognizing the most impactful activities on the platform and consistently executing them at a high level.

It depends on two main variables: the number of accounts you Reach (the number of people who view your username on their screens and tap through to your account) and what percentage of them you Retain (the percentage of people who view your account and convert into a “Follow”) once they find your page.

The larger the number of accounts you Reach, and the larger percentage of them you Retain, the faster you grow — the key is knowing what to do to maximize both. Here’s what I’ve learned:


Maximizing your Reach depends on the following 5 activities:

  • Post— Ideal posting rate: This means figuring out the number of posts (photos, videos, stories, live sessions) you should do to maximize your new followers per week.

How do you figure it out? Start by posting once a day for a week and measure the new followers you gain that week. If the number of followers you gained that week is more than the previous week then post one additional time per day next (in this case, 2 times per day) and measure your new followers again. If the number of followers increases even more at 2 posts per day vs 1 post per day, then the following week try 3 posts per day and measure again.

Your ideal number of posts per day is the one in which you maximize the number of followers you grow per week. For most people, most of the time, 1 feed post per day is usually where growth is maximized.

Note: Every audience is different. A simple spreadsheet tracking each week’s new follower stats will be enough information to find the number of posts that’s right for you.

The best Instagram content scheduling and post automation tools

(They’re not the same thing, and you must know the difference to pick the right one)

  1. Onlypult
  2. Ingramer
  3. Combin
  4. Later
  5. Social Captain
  6. Social Sensei

and many more to add in the list. Just you need to tinker around.

  • Hashtags-Most effective hashtags: To reach the largest number of relevant people who can turn into followers, always include a different number of 5–7 randomly ordered hashtags that have the largest number of posts and most accurately describe your content, in the first comment of your posts.

Note :When it comes to hashtags, the two most important things are to make sure to post them in your first comment and to only use niche hashtags that are the most relevant to the exact content you create.

  • Interactions-Maximize number of interactions: The larger the number of interactions (likes, comments, DM’s, etc) you have with accounts that don’t know about you (but may find your content valuable), the more times your username will appear on other’s activity feeds and the larger the number of people who will discover you.
  • Tags-Maximize number of tags: To reach as many people as possible through tagging, you want to receive as many tags, from as many accounts as possible — preferably, those who have highly engaged followings and sincerely like what you do.

The bigger the following and the higher the average Instagram engagement of the account who tags you, the more people will see the tag, discover your account, and follow you (if it’s relevant to them). Nothing beats sincere relationships, so don’t be afraid to DM to other accounts in your community to find ways to cross promote by tagging each other in posts.

  • Ads-Run effective ads: The last of the Reach activities is running Instagram story ads or “Sponsored Post” (home-feed) ads to be discovered by the largest number of people possible.

Unlike all other activities, this one mainly depends on your budget. The larger the amount of money you spend, the more people you will reach. Apart from your budget, there are two main variables that determine how effective your ads will be. Apart from your budget, there are two main variables that determine how effective your ads will be. First, your ability to create a compelling ad — the less “this is an advertisement” it feels, the more likely it is that people will click on it and the cheaper your cost per click will be. And second, your know-how of how to optimize your ads and effectively navigate your target audience selection in the Facebook Ads tool.

If you’re feeling worried about spending money or if you just don’t have a budget, don’t worry…you can still execute the other 4 activities and get 99% of the growth results. It’s not necessary to spend money on Instagram ads to grow your account! Instagram ads are only necessary if you’re already doing everything else excellently and need an extra push.

The better you execute those 5 activities, the larger the number of people you’ll Reach.

A simple way to measure how well you’re executing your Reach activities is by taking note of your total profile visits every week. The higher your number of profile visits is, the more people you’re reaching.

Now that you know how to Reach people on Instagram, let’s talk about how to Retain them!

To increase the percentage of people who discover you (Reach) and convert into followers, focus on the following 3 activities:

  • Target Audience Knowledge: To be able to convert the target audience you Reach into followers, it’s essential that you first understand what they consider “great” content.

Because we can’t go into someone’s mind to know if they think a post is “great”, our next best option when it comes to understanding what our audience finds valuable is measuring what content they engagement with (like/comment/DM). If someone sees a photo but doesn’t engage with it, it wasn’t impactful enough to consider it “great”, in this context. Specifically, evaluating our most highly engaged with posts to understand what type of content our audience finds the most valuable in our account as well as finding the posts and accounts that our audience already engages with the most on Instagram to understand what content they find the most valuable outside of our account.

To find your most highly-engaged with posts, go to your Instagram Insights dashboard → Tap on the Feed Posts ‘See All’ text within your Content tab → Tap on the text at the top and sort by All/Engagement/1 year → Apply.

When you’ve clearly identified the type of content your target audience thinks is “great”, make a list and know it by heart. The better you know what type of content your target audience finds valuable, the more likely it is that you’ll be able to execute that level of content on your page (more on that next).

  • Post Quality-Well executed, differentiated and engaging: Now that you know what content your audience finds valuable, how many of them you Retain depends on how well you’re able to execute that type of content. Do you have the skills necessary to execute that level of content quality?

Regardless of your content creation abilities, a good place to start off is by making sure you always post high-res (1080px in width by 1350px in height) vertical photos and videos, in portrait format. This will ensure that your content is displayed in the largest format possible, which makes it more visually appealing and increases the likelihood that someone will “like” it.

  • Grid Visuals-Differentiated and visually appealing: Last but not least, your grid visuals are a measure of how appealing your content appears in grid-view when people first find your Instagram and scroll through your feed. Most people take 3–5 seconds to scroll through in Instagram account when they first discover it and make up their mind on whether or not they want to follow it based on that first impression. Because of that, the better you’re able to visually communicate your value through your grid, the higher percentage of people will convert to “Follow” your page.

Great grid visuals communicate a level of attention to detail and visual style that most accounts don’t focus on. It also greatly increases the likelihood of someone following the account on a first impression.

Note: If you want to measure your efforts, you can get a rough idea of the percentage of reached accounts you’re retaining by dividing the total number of new followers you’ve gained in a week by the total number of profile visits you’ve received that week and multiply by 100.

The higher that percentage rate is, the larger the number of people that you’re reaching are finding your content relevant/useful/entertaining enough to follow you.

That’s it! If you focus on executing all of these activities at a high level, you will see a measurable increase in your Instagram growth.

The Instagram Growth Formula

Growing a sincere Instagram following and creating good content is a marathon, not a sprint, so don’t be discouraged if it takes a while to see traction and growth. Like any other skill, it requires time and patience to master, but as long as you’re practicing it, you will get there 🙂

So, Is starting a BLOG on INSTAGRAM a good idea?

Hmmm….starting a blog on Instagram is a great idea if you are just wanting to test the waters out and see whether or not you want to create content for a living.

But do I recommend starting a blog on Instagram and ONLY on Instagram?

Personally, I think it’s much better to start a blog (on a website) as well have an Instagram account. You have much more control over your content and can grow an email list, sell your own products and grow your biz even more.



At it’s core, the behavior behind Instagram Story takeovers is about deepening relationships, gaining exposure, hacking distribution, and raising awareness. And, the reason why they work is because they are a true win-win situation. That’s why they’re great — it’s all about value exchange.

No matter the reasoning behind wanting to learn how to start an Instagram blog, you can get started very quickly. It takes just a few minutes to create your account, and then you’re ready to source images and create your first blog post. The benefits of using Instagram as a blog include getting to create captivating content very quickly without spending money, building a following, and potentially even making money from it.

That’s a wrap!

Hope you found the above tips on how to promote your blog on Instagram useful, and more importantly, I hope you will take action and implement them to grow your blog.

Once you start implementing these tips over time, you’ll see significant growth in your blog’s traffic through Instagram. It takes a bit of effort, but once you get the ball rolling, you will see how beneficial Instagram is for bloggers.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my article!

Also don’t forget to share this article if you liked it, and leave a comment and share your feedback; it’s what keeps me improving.

FYI: this article originally appeared on my blog post. If you enjoyed reading it, you can support me by giving this article a bunch of claps at my other blog post channel.

Looking forward to your comments and review on it

Thanks and Regards,

Neha Sahay


Anoop Srivastava · September 21, 2020 at 1:31 pm

Nice article, got to know many things and features about Instagram. Nice work keep it up.

Mikayla · September 27, 2021 at 11:03 pm

Highly descriptive blog, I liked that a lot.
Will there be a part 2?

The Stainless · October 3, 2021 at 7:52 am

really nice … I really like your blog. Really useful information.

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